can i get anymore mental?/spiritual?

A year and a few months back,  i was working on a 4pm to 12mn shift.. and it was ok, but i missed a lot happenings, especially those from my choir and friends (late night badminton, late night gimiks).  It was ok compared to the 4am to 12noon shift that I had previously and my day offs were weekdays.  I missed a lot more when I was on that shift.

I had the 4pm to 12mn shift for more than a year. Then came March (or was it April)?  They were re-assigning me to the project I wanted and It was in normal hours (8am to 4pm, weekends off).  Yipee! (can you feel how happy I was?) Nevermind that a big chunk of money was going to be substracted because I no longer had night diff… and… it’s been 6months now and i miss the shift..hehehe..i miss the money but more importantly, the miss the “me” time. 

During my previous shift,  at the office,  and since it was just me in the 4pm to 12mn shift, I had the whole department to myself… i’d play music as loud as possible, at least in my area  and since it was just me, i’d always had time for GOD.  I had quiet times in the conference room, at the pantry, at salcedo park, etc..anywhere and as frequent as possible.  I miss it.  I miss HIS guidance in my life. And if i wasn’t STUBBORN, i’d get the FEELING back, nevermind the sacrifices that I had to make in order to FEEL close to GOD again.  But I’m weak, and immature, selfish… I want GOD back in my life but on my terms and I don’t believe it works that way…

Sooner or later, i had to make a decision, and it means giving up on or, at least being mature and letting go, of all that I am attached with/to (friends, time, material, fears, insecurities).

 Ang buhay nga talaga.. isang misteryo..